3 Important Mindsets When Creating a Niche

Hey how’s your week going?

Let’s get straight into it…

We have all heard that we need to niche when we go into business. Not too long ago I did a short blurb on why you should consider finding a Niche. In this blog post I’m going to dive a little deeper into the mindsets you should think about when deciding a niche.

 I hope it will assist you In discovering how to target a niche that has a high probability of working.

Having the right mindset and the right information in this area will save you from wasting your time, effort and money… and therefore, give you the highest likelihood of success in your new business.

So, let’s get into it…

Mindset number 1 -  Niches are not chosen and are not what you want them to be

When I see a client and they have decided they want to start a business from scratch, usually the next thing that comes up is that they want to find their niche. Or I hear phrases like “my niche is going to be (insert niche)”. As soon as I hear this, I already know we may have a challenge. Now, why do I know this?

Because a niche isn’t something that you choose, or something that YOU want it to be. Your niche is about what your customers are going through and the challenges and obstacles that they have, the problems they have and the outcomes or results that you provide for them. This means Niches are things that are discovered not chosen.

Mindset number 2 – Niches are needs

Cannot stress this enough. I’ve covered a great deal on previous blogs about the importance of looking at things from the perspective of your customer.

Instead of thinking about your niche as your product or customers, try thinking of your niche as the need that your customer has. More specifically, what drives them? What motivates them? What are their fears and frustrations?

For example, if I was going to create a dietary weight loss product, I would want to know specifically what my customer wants and what their fears and frustrations are. In their language…their words. I want to know more about why they want to lose weight, where they want to lose it, why they want to lose it and so on and so forth. Knowing these details specifically will give a much higher probability of success when creating the product.

The objective is to identify an unmet need. It’s not to create a product for people to buy, or imitate what everyone else is doing, or ‘find a market’.

It is to find a need within a group of people you can meet by creating products and services that deliver the result that they want. Never forget this. A niche is a need. Remember your customers do not buy what you’re selling. They buy the solution to their problem and the outcome that they want; relief form pain, result that they want to achieve.

Mindset Number 3 - Niches are discovered and developed

Niches are not chosen or targeted in the sense that most people mean them. They are first discovered. Once discovered they are developed. To lead on from mindset 2, the niche is discovered by finding a need that has not been met. You develop that need by delving a little deeper, focussing more and almost isolating that need.

So consider these mindsets when you are thinking about starting a business from scratch. It just might make the difference between a successful and failure of your business..

Be well and catch up soon!

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