5 Ways to Reduce The Fear Of Failure

Let’s get straight into it. It is not actually failure that people fear. For the most part it is the perceived negative consequences that can happen as a result. Fear can debilitate you from taking action and living to your fullest potential. Below is a list of 5 ways that can help reduce the fear of failure.


A very common fear of failure is tied to the attachment to what people think of you. We underestimate the power we at times assign to our peers. This can work to our benefit if it’s used to propel us to succeed, however it can be a double-edged sword. The same people we give authority to pull us up can also be the ones who we assign the power to tear us down.

It’s important that when we try to do things, reach for our goals we do so unapologetically and be bold with our actions.


When situations are not going the way we want, it’s important we acknowledge the problems for what they are in an honest way. There have been studies one by Psychologists to suggest that there are three ways people cope with situations. These are either avoidant, emotional and problem focused. Let’s say you are worried about mice in your garden. You could decide to never go into your garden again (which would be an avoidant focused approach); or convince yourself that having mice in your back garden isn’t that bad (emotion focused); or you could go into your garden and take precautions to get rid of the snakes (problem focused). Now the avoidant and emotional focused approaches may provide short relief. However, the problem focused approach addresses the issue head on, allowing you to make long term gains and get a better result. Don’t bury your head in the sand when you’re in negative situations. If something is worrying you, strive to take a solution orientated approach and work out how you can make it better. The same energy you can use to worry about the situation can be transmuted to something more positive.


There is a very positive saying. Failure is the opportunity to intelligently begin again. Sometimes you succeed, and sometimes you learn. When things don’t work out the way we want (perceived failure), these situations teach us the ways that do not work. It brings wisdom and helps us adjust your strategy for the better.


Ask yourself honestly are your fears rational or irrational? I have heard it once said

 by Dr. Nick Hall that fear is the emotion of the future. You can only be afraid of something that hasn’t happened yet. If you have concerns about something or fears question them. Are they valid, is it emotional? Sometimes a logical approach and help override your feelings of fear.


Energy exhausted on things you cannot control can turn out to be a waste. Additionally, when people focus on things that they can’t change, it often makes them stressed or nervous. Focussing on what you can control, will give you a sense of certainty and confidence. The focus becomes more about the journey or process not the outcome (which you cannot control). This will give you the best chance of success.

In summary, failure is part of success. You cannot separate them so best thing to do is embrace it. In the same way that there is no up without down, or left without right, there is no success without failure. The very reason why we know success is because we know failure. Embrace it for what it is and act in spite of fear.

Be well and good luck!

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Problem Solved – Part 2