Should I Hire A Consultant?

Most small business owners by nature are highly skilled multitaskers — and let’s be honest…they are proud of this fact...

However, because they are so accustomed to doing (almost) everything on their own back, a lot of them don’t think or see the value in recruiting a business consultant or expert. I suppose it’s understandable to a degree. But… I don’t think its incorrect to say they might be missing out on huge opportunities and benefits for their business.

I remember having a conversation with a friend of mine who is a great web designer and he said something that stuck with me. I’m paraphrasing a little but he said something to the effect of:

‘If you think hiring a good web designer is expensive. Try hiring a bad one’.

Powerful words that really stuck with me. There are a few reasons why it’s worth considering in my view…So why don’t we get into them in no particular order of importance:

1. Access to expertise and knowledge.

In his phenomenal book ‘Mastery’ Robert Green states that it takes roughly 10,000 hours to become a master/expert in a given field. That said, by consulting an expert in the field, you potentially save time. An expert/consultant would basically have access to expertise and experience you may not have acquired just yet.

2. Beat the competition

Hiring an expert in your field may give you the opportunity to implement certain ideas before your competitors.

3. Leverage

It allows you to leverage the experts’ education. Consultants grant access to even more experience and contacts that can help contribute to the growth of your business.

4. Time saving

To decrease the time it takes to make your vision/dream into reality – straight forward enough;-)

5. Save Money

Could potentially save you money – Experts are continually sharpening their mental swords and investing in educating themselves. Naturally, you should be doing this anyway, however, you would invest substantially less by consulting someone who has already walked the path so to speak.

6. Protected Reputation

This is something a lot of people do not consider as the effects are generally not felt until later. Recruiting an expert in the desired field can you’re your company reputation. Fs have tried and tested many ways to accomplish their goals. Tried, failed and succeeded in many ways. Your reputation can be maintained by learning from both their challenges and successes.7. Growth for the future - We all want our business to thrive and succeed in the long term. This is given. However, it is not always as clear as to where this growth will come from. Leaning on experience can help bring more clarity, and point you in the right direction.

To conclude:

You really do not want to spend time trying to reinvent the wheel in business if you can avoid it. Time is the ultimate currency.

At the end of the day, just like lawyers and doctors, working with consultants or experts may be a little unpleasant or even painful, however, there are times when you simply need them. It is important that you recognise when these times come up. While trying to go it alone sounds courageous and even noble, evidence shows it really isn’t. It can cost your company precious time and money.

You hire a consultant for expertise, objectivity, credibility, leadership, and last but by no means least…. TIME. Always keep this in mind before you make the decision...

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