Stepping Away From the Masses

A great man once said doing what the masses do is a sure way to failure.

Conformity is one of those things that on one level can seem like that safe thing to do, but on another level can be a sure path to failure. It’s important that as an individual you take the time to find out what YOU want.

I don’t think it will be a stretch to presume that there’s a voice inside of you calling you to set out on a journey and life of adventure. I believe it’s in all of us.

If you want to accomplish a certain outcome, you have to create the life you want. While it’s good to know what society is saying you do not need to necessarily follow what society says you are ‘supposed’ to do. Dare to step out and truly create a life of your own choosing.

Some of you reading this right now may desire to do things that would make you happy. Things that would ignite you and make you feel fulfilled. But you hesitate. You procrastinate.  Not necessarily because it’s the wrong thing to do. But because you don't have the approval and or validation of others. The herd mentality. There comes a time when you must step into your own world and plant your own flag there. And really start living and striving for what you want!

I can guess that right now there's a voice calling out to you from deep within. Challenging you to step away from what’s normal, to forsake being the typical person living in a conventional and typical way...and become the leader you were destined to be.  Doing what's really in your heart to do.

Sometimes answering the voice inside leads to growth and it can mean leaving some people behind. Embrace this. The life of a leader can be a lonely one at times. It's lonely at the top. But it will be rewarding.

Most people are fearful of stepping out of their comfort zone, and stepping a away from the crowd to do what they truly want to do. They find solace and comfort in numbers, and I suppose it’s easier to do what everyone around you has always done. For example, it’s easy to work a typical job you may not like or enjoy, instead of going for the career you really want. 

The way I see it, you weren't designed by nature to do what's necessarily easy. You were designed to grow and face challenges.  Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, away from those around you. If you choose to stay where you are, those around you may convince you to kill your dreams. You may be told to ‘be realistic’; ‘play it safe’; ‘don't rock the boat.’ But this will not serve your goals and aspirations. Break out from the flock do not be a sheep. Soar as high as your heart desires and follow your own bliss.

Think about it and act…

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